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Compare business energy prices in under 60 seconds

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UK Business Energy Comparison

Peek behind the curtain of any successful business and you will usually find strong leadership, skilled teams of staff, and the tools and equipment they need to be efficient. You’ll also notice that, no matter what type of business you’re observing, it requires energy.
Whether you are powering a single electric tool or large-scale manufacturing site, operating computers and using Wi-Fi, heating your buildings or simply keeping the lights on, all businesses need energy to run.

Energy bills can make up a large portion of operational costs, but many business customers may be overpaying simply because they haven’t compared the deals on offer. While it would be time consuming to seek out quotes from every possible business energy supplier individually, you can compare business electricity and business gas prices in seconds using Save Your Bills.

Our service is fast, impartial and no obligatory. We’ll match your business needs with the UK market’s most competitive commercial energy quotes in under 60 seconds

How to find the best business energy deals to cut your annual bills

Our comparison service can save your business money – and it’s completely no obligatory. All you need to do is provide some basic information about your business and how it typically uses energy, which you can find using a recent business energy bill.
We compare tariffs from the major business energy suppliers, known as the Big Six, as well as a wide range of smaller, newer, independent energy companies. We’ll tailor the search results to suit your needs, so that you’re only shown relevant tariffs
Our service is impartial, so you can have complete confidence that we’ll always show you the deals offering the best value for money.

Our service is fast, impartial and no obligatory. We’ll match your business needs with the UK market’s most competitive commercial energy quotes in under 60 seconds

Average business energy prices

Reports suggest that the average annual business energy bill for a small or medium sized business will exceed £6,000 for electricity and approach £4,000 for gas, but the actual cost of energy depends on how your business operates. Every business is different, and this is reflected in the amount of energy consumed.
You can refer to your previous bills to see how much your business already pays for energy and use our comparison tool to discover potential savings. Comparing and switching business energy suppliers and energy tariffs through Save Your Bills costs you nothing and is guaranteed to find you the most competitive deals.

How to get accurate business energy quotes

When your contract is coming to the end, you will likely be contacted by your provider about renewal. This contact may be made through a letter or email and will often include a renewal quote that is more expensive than the average business energy prices available on the market, which is why it’s so important to compare commercial energy deals.

For the most accurate business energy comparison, use Save Your Bills to compare deals with a recent energy bill to hand and your meter numbers noted down. You can ensure you get the most accurately-priced quotes by using real energy consumption data as your reference and by providing meter numbers.

How to find the most competitive energy tariffs

Historically, the energy market has been volatile and fast-changing. This makes it difficult to predict how the prices for gas or electricity will change in the future.

Market trends are reflected in the rates business energy suppliers quote, and many factors can influence this, from customer demand to major global events – even the weather.

The best way to ensure you have access to competitive business energy deals is to compare quotes, so that you can find a tariff with the best value for money once your contract’s switching window opens. Remember to:

Switch before you end up on rollover contracts

These tariffs are far more expensive than your business will currently be paying, sometimes as much as 100% increase

Formally end your existing contract

Terminating your agreement formally before the deadline, which will be written into your terms and conditions, is essential for you to change contract.

Compare the best deals using Save Your Bills

By shopping around for your gas and electricity deals, your business could save hundreds or even thousands of pounds.

How we get paid

We receive a commission from the energy supplier once the sale is completed and on supply. This is built in via an uplift added to your final unit price and paid to us by the supplier.

Compare Business Energy Prices In Under 60 Seconds